Blanchard has been at the forefront of global economic analysis for over three decades and is currently one of the most influential voices in financial markets. From 2008 to 2015, he served as Chief Economist and Director of the Research Department at the International Monetary Fund, where he worked with a wide range of nations and international organizations. He is currently a Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and the Robert Solow Professor Emeritus at MIT. He is the co-editor, with Lawrence H. Summers, of the important publication “Evolution or Revolution?”, and is also the author of “Macroeconomics”, a textbook well-known to all students of economics. He provides an integrated view of macroeconomic theory with the objective of connecting it more closely to actual economic events.
The global economy currently faces numerous significant risks: rising geopolitical tensions, China's economic slowdown, mounting financial stress, trade fragmentation, climate change and many more.
Olivier Blanchard’s worldwide scope of experience stretched over decades has given him an unparalleled insight into the global economy. We will be able to discuss all of the above in great detail and take a deep dive into some of the most complex and challenging economic issues in the world today. Looking forward enormously to our roundtable!
For further information: Apply to attend here:
#olivierblanchard #imf #mit #monetarypolicy #globaleconomy #financialstress #tradefragmentation #climatechange